Funeral Livestreaming
Funeral Livestreaming Services in Mumbai
Funeral Livestreaming Services
Live Stream from cemetery / Crematorium without internet connection with HD quality output and Audio clarity without buffuring

As we all know, how difficult it is to gather everyone during a sudden loss in our family, due to Covid – 19 pandemic, the government have imposed a limited gathering during the memorial services. Also, it can be very difficult for a person who stays abroad to attend the funeral in a shot span of time. More ever, elderly ill people are also not physically capable to attend the funeral service.
Through our funeral live streaming services, you can honor and pay condolence to the life of those who have passed away.
With travel restrictions mass gathering protocols and other safety measures in place , our Live streaming services allows those from afar to pay their tribute and mark respect to their loved ones who are no more with us.
Live Streaming the funeral has made it possible for all of us to memorialize and share our loved ones final good bye digitally.
With our live streaming you can invite as many people as you want on digital platforms to ‘Attend’ your the funeral livestreaming services. Consequently, your can also join everyone in a two way pray by streaming the funeral on Zoom/Google Meet/Microsoft team.
Our Funeral webcasting services in Mumbai offers seemingly and smooth end to end telecast from home to the cemetery/crematorium.
Important to know is internet connection from client is not required with our latest upgraded equipment’s we can stream the service with bonding internet connection from our side.
funeral Live stream services
Pray at home
Last ride on roadway
Burial/Cremation from cemetery/crematorium
funeral LiveStreaming Destination
TV Channel
You Tube
Frequently asked questions
Q: How to live stream a funeral?
A: To livetream any event you should have a capture card, encoder, a high specification computer. There are a many open platforms which you can use to live stream a funeral such as YouTube and Facebook etc. You can also hire a professional service provider for better and smooth livestream experience.
Q: Can I livestream funeral on Facebook and YouTube?
A: Yes you can livestream funeral services on both the platform, but Facebook will be a bit techy for elderly people to log in and watch the live content. On the other hand YouTube id much user friendly. You can also make a schedule link and send it on Whatsapp for ready reference.
Q : Is internet required for funeral livestream ?
A: Definitely yes, to livestream any content internet is a basic requirement. But hang on, with our modern equipment we provide inbuilt internet from our side which can provide high definition HD feed without any glitches.
Q: What id the cost of funeral livestreaming services ?
A: Well, the costing is total depend on the requirement such as timing, location etc, you can chat or call us for the final quotation which is absolutely free of cost.
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