WE ARe Hiring
Performing Artist

Acting Jobs in Mumbai and across India for upcoming artist
We are hiring freelance artist on assignment basis; the remuneration/fees will be paid as per the assignments. The applicant in this category can either be called on location or can visit our studio as per the date given by our company’s representative.
Job Location - Mumbai Studio or anywhere In india
Post - Hindi and marathi artist
Required Skill and Experience
- Experienced or freshers can apply for the post
- Educational qualification: Not Needed
- Understand the character and can perform in front of the camera and audience.
- Rehearse and memorize Scripts/Screenplay.
- Use excellent expressions to bring out the performing character
- Do voice-overs for advertisements or recording.
- Should be comfortable to travel with the team during the shoot.
- To be punctual on the location
- To co – operate with the team during the shoots.
- Act as per cue given by the director.
Kindly note that the Artist will be contacted as per the company’s requirement prior to the profile approval. Additional information will be needed once the basic profile is approved.
Be a part of 8K Entertainment and Media Production
Acting Jobs in Mumbai - India
Do you feel, you have the knack to pursue your career in the above category, then fill up the below mentioned form.
We are also hiring Back Stage Crew Also, have a look at all other vacancies available in Media section.
Check our Just Dial Profile